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Before reading anything after this passage, ask yourself the following questions. If you can’t answer all these questions with “Yes” at the same time, don’t waste time reading the following sections. Because we are sure that you are not suitable for using AppNee, please immediately shut down all pages of AppNee and better block it with your firewall. Why is that? Because eventually you’ll force us out of the computer screen and strangle you to death, and the police won’t find out we did it!

  1. Can you tell which of the buttons on various file-download service websites are the real download buttons and which are just deceptive advertisement images?
  2. Do you know that when installing some software you should not install any of the bundles that are checked by default together?
  3. Do you know that any ads or bundled software can be or will end up pointing to viruses, trojans, malware, ransomware, or any other bad things you can think of?
  4. Do you know which anti-virus software is really professional and which is just garbage only used for making money and/or collecting user data in the background?

If you can give “Yes” to all the questions above, you can now go to read the following content.

Here are some things that you should learn about when using the resources from AppNee. We are different. As to what the difference between us and any other similar sites is, if you like AppNee the first time you see it, then you can gradually find it; but if you turn up your nose at the things AppNee does, in fact, we do have no time or interests to keep you and explain to you.

// Notes //

*** You can use “Win+F” to search one keyword in this page in order to find what you want easily and quickly.

Note Instruction
Why this F.A.Q. page? Because it’s meaningless to waste time on repeated explanations to the same or similar questions from so many visitors around the world.
Nature of AppNee AppNee is neither a for-profit corporation nor a welfare organization. Instead, we are a non-profit group, who only focuses on our interests and missions, and play by only our own rules. Nothing on earth can influence or control our behavior. For example, similar sites do something like this, or like that… But please bear in mind that – AppNee is unique, and we don’t care anything in the outside world!

In other words, do not expect to sell any free resources provided by us, or even have the audacity to ask us to provide you with free resources, then you use them to make money. If this is the case, you’re way too smart to think that everyone else in the world is a fool at your service.

So, never ever do anything by hook or by crook for your personal profits, and do not fool AppNee and all its supporters. Otherwise, you’ll end up in unexpectedly big trouble, believe us.

Finally, keep in mind that AppNee is not a company, and it does not provide any kinds of services!

Copy content from AppNee You are welcomed to do this, but please remember one thing: keep our article’s original link. Otherwise, finally you will destroy our pay and effort, and get yourself blacklisted or even banned by the entire SAYS group.
AppNee user skill requirement To use AppNee’s resources correctly and smoothly, you have to have basic computer skills. For example, modify the registry, hosts file, scan and determine whether a keygen/patch is a real virus or just a false positive…
Broken Download link Any download link does not work, email us to fix it for you – the original post link is required. Some screenshots can be very helpful for describing the problem happened on your side easily and clearly. Using the following table is recommended:
Email Title Broken Download link Feedback (required, and as is)
Link of Post copy and paste the corresponding post link here (required)
Broken Link(s) copy and paste the broken file download link(s) here (required)

*** Do not upload any image to Gmail, or we can only see a blank area that way.

*** If you don’t provide the required links, usually the post is hard to be fixed.

Recommend file hosts You can recommend up to 2 free file hosts suitable for your country to us. AppNee will always choose to use the most admired free file hosts.
Software version Want to get newer version of some software, email us.
Buy software from AppNee? To buy some software you see on AppNee, you should always go to the software’s official homepage to do this. AppNee has no rights to sell the resources for others’ property. And as you can see, all resources published by AppNee are free for downloading and using, even the ones developed by AppNee. They are just free and will be free all the time. So, please do not send emails to us for asking how to buy some software from AppNee.
Virus scan Always remember to do this by yourself using VirusTotalVirSCAN or Hybrid Analysis, because this is the only and most authoritative and convincing way. Sometimes, we may forget it or get infected with virus by ourselves. Do ever not only judge by your favorite, so-called best antivirus software like some newbies.

BTW, do remember: antivirus is only able to detect the known virus. Any really well-crafted virus can pass all antivirus with ease. In other words, it won’t be detected as virus until it becomes known. If some antivirus software says it won’t let any virus go, trust me, that is a big joke.

My experience tells me that I usually only need to care about what the following three antivirus programs say about the virus detection for one file:

  • Avast
  • Avira
  • Kaspersky
Email reply As long as we could take time out from daily work & study, we would manage to answer every email worth to reply as soon as possible.

But we insist on that we do not accept any queries or tutorial requests. The reason is that AppNee is not a forum and does not provide any customer services.

Any temporary or anonymous email address will be ignored directly.

About Software recommendation AppNee accepts two kinds of software recommendation:
  1. You have used or are using some very excellent software, and want to share it with more people around the world through AppNee this platform.
  2. Some software is just you need, or it’s one only you think it is good, but you could not find any working crack resources on the Internet. Finally, you want to try your luck at AppNee.

The former is extremely welcomed and encouraged by AppNee – so any of your favorite software could be recommended to AppNee. As for the latter, I would say that, when you have gone through the whole Internet and failed to find or get the crack resource of your desired software, it is likely that AppNee is powerless too. Even if we had its cracked resources in our repository, AppNee might not release them finally. Because it probably only be needed by a very small number of users, as a result the amount of time and effort we spend on it become irrelevant in the end.

Anyway, for excellent software you’re finding but we did not share (make sure you searched through AppNee first – by Googling with keyword like “xxx appnee.com“), you can tell its name to us (correct software name along with its official homepage can be helpful for both you and us). Then we will do our best to find or make all possible resources for you. But, please do not that: There is no guarantee on final result or the time it takes. After all, our ability, time, and energy are all very limited.

If we said ‘Yes’ to some recommended software, as to when it would show up at AppNee, that usually costs at least 100 days. As you can see, we only publish one piece of software one day at most, and we keep 101 posts in the publishing list (most of which are recommended by other users of AppNee). So, just be patient, giving it and us all more time.

Hope you don’t treat us as fools, also hope that AppNee’s sincerity will not result in someone trying to take advantage of AppNee’s good credit to maliciously spread your virus file!

In addition, from now on, AppNee will no longer accept or test any cracked programs sent using temporary/fake email addresses, or even open any email attachment like image, document they send.

No social media AppNee does not and will never support any kinds of social media connections. Because all of us hate this kind of meaningless and life-wasting trash inventions.
Notice Before asking any questions, you’d better make sure you have read the post through, and do not use a fake email. Besides, never put too much hope on AppNee, or you will be very disappointed.
Search We temporarily disable the search function completely. Instead, you can get all what you want by googling like this “PDF editor + AppNee” – an easier and more efficient way to search through AppNee. If you do not know searching what keyword, just make good use of the ‘Category’ and ‘Tag’ feature.
No trust, no use First of all, do remember one thing about AppNee – we do have no interests to release any virus, especially through our websites (we always think that will brings more harm than good to what we want to do).

For just very few files, they might be infected with virus before publishing. For this, your feedback is always important and helpful for both AppNee and all its visitors. And we hope that more and more visitors can help us monitor the content released by us. Once any mistakes found, we will fix it as soon.

But you should always know that, your feedback must be valid and reliable. For example, when you are downloading some file that published by AppNee, your web browser or antivirus software tells you that “This is a Spyware, Trojan, Virus, Malware…”. At this time, do ever not make a reckless conclusion immediately. As we say all the time: The antivirus software you are using is not always right, they sometimes make mistakes too, especially the little-known ones. And I guess you met a situation like this: the same file that was reported as virus is remarked as totally clear now, by the same antivirus software, only in different time. Why this happens? Because they updated their virus database to fix the false report.

PLEASE NO NOT act like a sensitive and dissatisfied housewife! Just please leave AppNee alone, and go somewhere else to look around. AppNee is not for humans like you…

No “how to” question The only reason we don’t want to tell you “how to do that” is, all the implementation methods were written out clearly in the corresponding posts (even equipped with some screenshots). And we are sure there are no more tutorials that are clearer than the ones provided by AppNee. If this still can’t help you, I’m sorry, nobody can help you further, expect yourself.
How to block AppNee We always welcome well-intentioned, constructive feedback (such as a file was reported as virus on your computer), but ignore (even block) all irresponsible doubts with full of complaints from fatuous users. On your side, you can open your hosts file (C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc) with Notepad.exe, and add the following line:
  • appnee.com

Then AppNee can never hurt or bother you.

To newbies only Please leave AppNee alone, because AppNee is not suitable for you. Too many other portal websites can serve you well, but not AppNee. And, we neither feel nor say sorry for this.

Anyway, we do hope you can soon grow up to a real advanced computer user who can distinguish what is real harmful and what is not at least, rather than do things like newbies who are always confused by some rubbish security software. For instance, you can start to choose to use a conscientious anti-virus software, not just the one you are used to use.

Maybe it’s only when you grow up to be a senior computer user you can really understand what I’m saying here, rather than keep being skeptical. Of course, maybe you never will.

Technical Support Sorry, as a free website/service, we do not provide any technical support. All we can do, we should do and what you need to do is written there, any additional statements are superfluous, meaningless and helpless.
Our Tenet Please bear in mind that, in addition to free resource, AppNee also cares about hacking or cracking, but not cheating or stealing. BTW, AppNee has run more than 6 years, it has never been marked as one of those dangerous websites that born as virus manufacturers and spreaders by visitors, search engines or any safety relevant services/institution.
Access password for locked post If some post says:
  • This content is password protected. To view it please enter your password below:

Use “appnee.com” as password, and it’s universal at AppNee.com.

Enter password for all archives appnee.com

Because Mac OS and all its inbuilt applications come with numerous design flaws or bugs (not only more than Windows and Linux, also seldom fixed), when the password does not work on your Mac, just extract the archive on any version of Windows or Linux OS with ease. Of course, you can also try to use any 3rd-party file archiver instead. So, please stop sending emails complaining about incorrect passwords – we need more time spent on replying other valuable questions.

Software Problems Sorry for making a statement, AppNee is neither a technical forum, nor provides similar services. Therefore, any related email queries will be ignored. For example, if some portable software does not work under Windows 10, in which case you have to try the portable versions published by other websites or switch to other alternatives. AppNee is clearly anti-Windows 10 this rubbish OS.
Errata (correct errors) Any time, we welcome you to explicitly point out any flaws or defects that exist in the articles and resources. I think you know the fact too – this is not making a trouble for us, on the contrary, you are helping AppNee and all its readers. We all should say thanks to you
How often is the software updated? As you can see, AppNee is different from any of the same types of websites you’ve seen on the Internet. Even as the whole world refreshes the version numbers for fun, AppNee never “follows the new”. The reasons are as follows:
  1. Newest is not always the best
  2. AppNee doesn’t have the interest to update frequently, and we don’t have the time and energy to “catch up the time”
  3. AppNee has its own strict and explicit rules about software update frequency, just as it has categories that are absent from any similar sites
Any questions about Windows 10 and Mac will be rejected – no answer! We make it clear that AppNee is explicitly and permanently countering and rejecting Microsoft’s garbage operating system – Windows 10 and Apple’s Mac. Therefore, any questions about Windows 10 and Mac OS will not be answered any more, such as:
  • The portable version or cracking method for some software does not work properly on your Windows 10 or Mac…
  • The password for your archive does not work on Mac…
  • Please provide the setup or crack for Mac…
Crack fails after a period of time By default, any cracked software does not support updating. That is, it cannot be updated at all or will fail after applying an update. This is the most basic common sense in this field. So, please don’t ask related questions about this. For example: some software can be cracked correctly, and works well for some time. But after a period of use, it fails. Anyway, please do ask yourself if you have updated the cracked program!
The cracking method does not work on your OS Please note that, all cracking methods for setup version of software are very clear and detailed, and were verified (on Windows 8.1 only) before being published. If that does not work for your Windows, please try some other software versions or cracking methods you can find on the web.

So any email complaining the cracking method does not work will be ignored (no reply), we do not have that much time to make you trust that is working all right, or tell you how to do that under your extremely unpredictable system environment.

Resources for Mac OS As we have stated, AppNee almost never publishes Mac resources alone, almost always incidentally does this. Therefore, the effectiveness of any resources related to Mac OS has not been verified by AppNee. If they don’t work on your machine, just let it go!
Cracker’s Sign in Software We can see the sign left by the cracker in the About page of a lot of cracked software. For this, some users mind too much, even sent emails to us to suggest that AppNee should remove that. In this regard, AppNee makes our views and positions clearly now:
  1. These crackers neither sell their cracked works nor solicit donations of any kind – this is what AppNee has been always respecting and encouraging
  2. To support such personal crackers/organizations, AppNee specially adds tags named after them to each of their cracked works shared by us
Things about download links
  1. We are currently only using a few third-party free file hosting to distribute any resources we shared. You should know, finding a suitable one (copyright, file deletion, upload/download speed, stability…) is extremely difficult.
  2. Although AppNee supports “Reuploading Requests,” you will not be allowed to specify your preferred file hostings. If everyone asks us to upload files to his favorite file servers, then AppNee doesn’t have to do anything but upload files to countless file hosts 24 hours a day.
  3. If you can’t access the download address of some free hosting we use, or can’t see the CAPTCHA, unfortunately, your country blocks this site or Google’s CAPTCHA service. That case, you can only choose to use proxy to raise a blockade.
  4. If the downloading speed is slow for you (especially for large files), we have to say sorry. But have you ever thought about the pain of spending hours and countless attempts to upload such a large file to the file hosts? So, don’t be selfish, or you won’t get happiness all your life! The solution is either to wait and try patiently, or to give up as soon as possible and try your luck somewhere else.
About donations
  1. Here we emphasize again: unlike any other similar websites on the Internet, AppNee explicitly rejects any form of donation (as we are not beggars, and we despise any begging behaviors). Our motto is: If you want to live, just live hard; Otherwise, please die as soon as possible!
  2. If I need money, we can get it from the following sources:
    1. Place ads on our web pages (only Google Adsense ads are available at present)
    2. Provide our own products (only file hosting and game available) along with supporting services and charge a small fee (this is under consideration, once this is established and stable returns are generated, then we will immediately stop the “a plan”)
If some file was reported as a virus/threat at your place? When some files you downloaded from AppNee are reported as all types of threats by your antivirus software, please read on:
  1. First, we will test the validity of almost all publishing resources on our own computers, and do a virus scan before packing and publishing with Avast.
  2. When a file is reported as a named threat, we will upload it to VirusTotal to make a full scan, then empirically determine whether it is a false positive. Generally, AppNee only cares about what Avast, Avira, Kaspersky and a few other authoritative antivirus engines say.
  3. If Avira, Kaspersky other authoritative antivirus engines say a file is “Undetected”, then AppNee will publish this resource, but adding a Warning with threat name detected by Avast only. Otherwise, this resource will be removed (not reserved)

If you still believe that your antivirus software is the best, and all it says is truth, then things get easier – just delete any files reported as virus/threat (there is no greater security measures), and you do not need to give feedback to AppNee. Although we’re sure you mean well for this issue, I do think you won’t see the various warnings and precautions that AppNee currently offers on any similar websites.

Problems with compressed file packages AppNee usually packages and compresses published files. If the files you downloaded cannot be extracted, please consider the following possible reasons:
  • The size of downloaded file must be exactly the same as the one given by AppNee. Otherwise the file you get is corrupted (usually due to network problems)
  • Extracted files like keygen, patch are missing – go to check out your antivirus software’s Virus Chest
  • If file extracting fails, be sure to shorten the name of the file/folder itself and the entire path (up to 255 characters in total)
About Version Number For free software or other resources, AppNee does not provide updates, so it does not give the latest version number; For commercial software, AppNee updates according to the frequency given above, and the version number of the latest cracking resource we have is given at the same time after each update.
About Reuploading Request If you want us to reupload some “reserved” (off-shelf but stored in our repository) versions or the ones with missing download links, please do give the article link along with an explicit version number.

If the download link for the latest version is working all right, you’d better also give the reason for asking us to reupload the old version.

New 3rd-party free file hosting use plan! (2022.08.17) Given the fact (we’ve received a lot of feedback from AppNee users that our files can’t be downloaded at all or the downloaded files have some weird problems) that more and more free file hosting providers frequently delete all or part of files we stored in their hosting product for various so-called reasons. This did brought us a lot of trouble. Finally we decided to use only mega.nz and fm.solewe.com as our preferred long-term file hosting providers from now on.

Blacklisted file hostings:

  • File-Upload (File-Up)
  • DoUploads
  • IntoUpload
  • Openload
  • UploadBoy
  • MirrorCreator
  • FireDrop
  • File Dropper
  • Ge.tt
  • Hostr.co
  • FilePi
  • DailyUploads
  • Google Drive
  • Upload.ee
  • MegaUp.net
  • yadi.sk
  • Dbr.ee
  • DepositFiles
  • SendIt.cloud
  • Cloud.Mail.Ru
  • WorkUpload
  • Drop.me
  • UploadingIt
  • ZippyShare
  • Dropbox
  • SolidFiles
  • RapidGator.net
  • ….

Currently Preferred file hostings:

  • Fm.SoleWe.com (stores files under 40 MB)
  • UsersDrive (stores files between 40+ MB)
  • Uploadrar (stores files between 40+ MB)
  • MediaFire.com (stores files between 40+ MB)
  • AnonFiles.com (stores files between 40+ MB)
  • MegaUp.net (stores files between 40+ MB)

We have no choice but can only fix/reupload any broken links that are reported to us via email. And for a long time, AppNee will repair as many broken links as possible this way (by reuploading files to the above two file hostings slowly).

Here is a list of all our public folders (long-term effective, anyone can access), you can download any file under these accounts whenever you need:

About Personal Customization Please be clear here AppNee is not a company, it neither sells products nor provides any services! So, if you want AppNee to offer custom products/services only for you or a few users, it’s impossible. For example:
  • Teach you how to crack some software you need but can not find its cracks on Internet
  • Crack some software product specifically for you
  • ….

In short, please keep in mind that AppNee never takes our time and effort to crack and distribute any software that doesn’t meet AppNee’s software collection criteria or has too few users around the world.

The effectiveness of Cracked/Portable software Please bear in mind that – Not all software features can be cracked perfectly, sometimes it just looks like it’s cracked. If this is the case, just let it go, and wait its next crack update.
AppNee’s Value System As you can see, AppNee owns and adheres to its own value system and does not imitate any similar websites, e.g.:
  1. We’re anti-Windows 10
  2. We hardly ever use any communication applications/platforms
  3. As long as one software product is the one we despise, we won’t release it even if you pay us a million dollars for software recommendation
  4. On the contrary, as long as one program is the one we like, all promotion on AppNee is free of charge. Of course, if it’s commercial software, then unfortunately we will try our best to provide everyone with its working cracked resources.
Download faster from free file hosting To download faster from most free/paid file hosting websites, using IDM is currently the best and most effective solution.
About Missing Links Please feedback any invalid download links you met at AppNee via E-mail, must including post URL and missing file link(s). Then we will try to fix all mentioned links ASAP (that usually takes 7+ days). For now we won’t remind you by replying your email as before. Instead, please make a check by yourself then.
  1. To finish AppNee’s original mission, we still have 3500+ applications to share. And in AppNee’s current running mode, this would take 13 years at least. But it is likely that AppNee will make an evolution in a few years. Then AppNee will slow down a lot or be archived with unscheduled maintenance only.
  2. Due to job changes, we cannot reply most emails (and emails with content like copyright complaints, threats, extortion will be automatically filtered out via keywords by our local email client).
  3. New 3rd-party free file hostings use plan!
  4. To see whether some software has been shared by AppNee, use this template.
More and more top-level domain names with word “appnee” are being snapped up by domain speculators. We are dismissive of this and warn these human trash: trying to trick visitors with AppNee’s reputation won’t work. So please note two points: 1) Now, AppNee merely uses one top-level domain name (appnee.com), all others such as appnee.net, appnee.us are fake; 2) In the future, we will tell everyone our new domain before stopping using appnee.com, via email only. So, please do not ask us questions like “Is appnee.net, appnee.us, or remnantnh.com yours?”. The answer is always the same “We have only one site, and it’s appnee.com now.”

With IP from countries such as Italy, German and USA increasingly copying and misappropriating AppNee’s content and server resources, finally we decided that from October 26 these countries would be forced to conduct behavior detection. And if necessary, we have to block them from accessing all of our websites. This action will take 6 months at least!

Temp notes
  1. Free.AppNee.com is going to be integrated into AppNee some days later. Then Free.AppNee.com will be removed totally.
  2. Starting from 2021.02.16, there will be no new software added to appnee.com with a fixed period. This situation can last from a few months to two years.
  3. For software that has been released, except for critical software, the update frequency will be reduced to vX.X or vX (e.g.: v1.1 to v1.2, or v1 to v2).
  4. Given that people in some countries are embezzling, selling, and abusing the free resources that AppNee releases, it’s possible that AppNee will enable its user registration function. As a result, any unregistered user will no longer be able to access any resources published on AppNee.
About ads Currently, advertising revenue is the only financial source for all expenses on our sites. In addition, with the economic downturn, the revenue from advertising is getting lower and lower, so the number of ads has become more. Finally, we hope to find a better source of revenue one day without parking any third party ads.
Cracked versions for Android apps
  • Paid Full version – all features unlocked, just as you paid for it.
  • MOD version – Removed ads, skipped login popups, removed version info, removed upgrade reminder, etc. But, this type of crack sometimes shows a text mark (usually information about the maker) when the application starts.
Software versions Considering the shortage of disk space and the necessity of retaining old versions of software, most software only retains the last officially released build of a major version or the version we can obtain. If you need a specific version that we did not share, you can contact us and we will do our best to get it for you, but this may not always be possible.


You may have discovered that AppNee has hardly been updated in recent months, and the missing download links in many posts cannot be repaired. The reason is that our 2TB hard drive is physically dead (the data on it cannot be recovered with a normal recovery), and everything about our website is stored on it (the source code of website and software projects, especially all released and reserved versions of software – many of them are out of print, and you can’t find and download them anywhere except AppNee on the entire Internet).

In an effort to make up as much of the loss as possible, until recently we were able to revert updates to some smaller apps. Later, we will try to restore all software updates if possible, but we still can’t fix any older versions of software – because this data disaster is the worst in the past 10 years, there is any backup.

Since advertising revenue can no longer offset the expenditure of VPS and bandwidth, AppNee finally decided to block ad-block plugins since August; if the result is not as expected, we may manually block all users who are blocking AppNee’s ads according to the server log.

It’s a pity to do so, but this website has reached an unsustainable bottom line. If you can’t accept it, please switch to other similar websites that can be found everywhere on the Internet. In addition, to block appnee.com, you can use hosts or firewall.

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