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AppNee enables this page to publish some happened and upcoming events of AppNee that may be of interest to you, including news, plans, changes, and so forth.

# Time Event
1 April 5, 2022 AppNee is now managed and maintained by gnrsu. Lewosin won’t have time to do this work any time soon because of his job changes and other factors. He’s currently teaching himself game development, and said he would develop a brand-new AppNee in his spare time (with luck, a prototype of the new AppNee will be available in 202X. Just hope the X <= 3), at that time its main features will include:
  • No longer uses the bloated and complex WordPress
  • Integrates and opens its user registration system (including forums, favorites, feedback, and other practical and convenient functions)
  • Users can access more resources in an easier way (current software publishing frequency and outdated blog type of post template are too inefficient)
  • The average number of new resources published on AppNee daily will increase significantly (perhaps 5 to 10 times as much as it does now)
  • At that time, all sites under SAYS will share the same user system – that is, you can use one account to log in to all of our sites (appnee.com, solewe.com, yawego.com, soulcourier.com, etc.), as well as sub sites at the same time.
  • ……

As you can see, AppNee has started to make some minor tweaks these days, such as:

  • Resume advertising (after years of COVID-19, job changes, etc., we do need to monetize AppNee again to pay the bill of servers for our sites). Unlike Lewosin, I think it’s always a good thing if a site can make money without affecting the user experience. As it turns out, advertising revenue is necessary to keep these sites alive, so even making them survive for another decade is also possible.
  • There will be more forms of advertising (the traditional advertising is no longer competitive – revenues of the entire industry have plummeted), but that will still be manageable and acceptable at AppNee.
  • Finally, I updated the theme that had been used for years without any update, and moved the whole page (as well as the footer info) from the far left of the big screen to the center.
  • Integrated with Google Analytics again (the last time it was used was more than 10 years ago), to better understand users’ needs and habits.
  • The sidebars have been cleaned up, otherwise the site looks messy.
  • The database has been cleaned and optimized a bit, so the site may get a little faster.
  • ……
2 April 19, 2022 Unlike previous AppNee, from now it will start publishing resources that users request to share much faster than in the past (as long as it’s good and has enough users, and we have it in hand already or can find it for you on the Internet).
X -/- -/-

You may have discovered that AppNee has hardly been updated in recent months, and the missing download links in many posts cannot be repaired. The reason is that our 2TB hard drive is physically dead (the data on it cannot be recovered with a normal recovery), and everything about our website is stored on it (the source code of website and software projects, especially all released and reserved versions of software – many of them are out of print, and you can’t find and download them anywhere except AppNee on the entire Internet).

In an effort to make up as much of the loss as possible, until recently we were able to revert updates to some smaller apps. Later, we will try to restore all software updates if possible, but we still can’t fix any older versions of software – because this data disaster is the worst in the past 10 years, there is any backup.

Since advertising revenue can no longer offset the expenditure of VPS and bandwidth, AppNee finally decided to block ad-block plugins since August; if the result is not as expected, we may manually block all users who are blocking AppNee’s ads according to the server log.

It’s a pity to do so, but this website has reached an unsustainable bottom line. If you can’t accept it, please switch to other similar websites that can be found everywhere on the Internet. In addition, to block appnee.com, you can use hosts or firewall.

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