[v13.19, v11.xx] PhotoPad – Dapper digital photo editing tool

PhotoPad (AKA: PhotoPad Image Editor) is a super compact digital image editing tool developed by NCH Software, whose SoundTap Streaming Audio Recorder and VideoPad Video Editor you may still remember them.

Continue reading [v13.19, v11.xx] PhotoPad – Dapper digital photo editing tool

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[v13.01] SSD Fresh – Fast optimize your SSD performance with one-click

Solid-state drives (SSD) have obvious advantages than the traditional mechanical hard disk drives (HDD), but do not mistakenly believe that an SSD does not need optimization. However, for the optimization of SSD, many users may just know one optimization setting – a new SSD should be formatted with 4K alignment. In fact, SSD actually has a lot of places that can be optimized for making its speed faster and service life longer.

Continue reading [v13.01] SSD Fresh – Fast optimize your SSD performance with one-click

[v2018.4] Img Converter – Convert images from any format to other

Img Converter is a universal image format converter for Windows, developed by DecSoft Utils from Spanish. It empowers users to seamlessly convert between a wide range of image formats. It comes with an extremely simple interface, drag-and-drop operation and fast conversions.

Continue reading [v2018.4] Img Converter – Convert images from any format to other