[v6.10] PureBasic – Easy and cross-platform BASIC programming language & native compiler

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PureBasic is a procedural computer programming language and cross-platform integrated development environment (IDE) for Windows, Mac and Linux (both 32-bit and 64-bit). It is written based on the established BASIC rules, developed by Frédéric Laboureur from France in 1998. Most importantly, the learning of PureBasic is very easy, that’s why it has won so many beginners and highly qualified programmers.

Continue reading [v6.10] PureBasic – Easy and cross-platform BASIC programming language & native compiler

[v2.44] Avira Phantom VPN – Avira’s anonymous, secure, fast and free VPN

It is well known that Internet is full of tracking software, advertising, and guys who are monitoring and collecting other people’s data for various purposes. In other words, as long as it’s on the Internet, you can be exposed to risk at any time. In addition, some websites may block or restrict your access depending on the IP address of your location (you must have encountered such situation: a website just shows you with 403 error). In these cases, using a VPN is the best solution at the moment.

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