[v7.4] Sothink SWF Decompiler – Best SWF file decompiler and converter

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We can always find a lot of wonderful Flash video or game works on the Internet. When you need to export some elements you like (such as sound, graphics, ActionScript code) or use them in your own Flash works, a Flash analyzing and extracting tool is essential, and one of the leading tools is Sothink SWF Decompiler.

As the current most advanced and professional Flash file (.SWF) decompiling and elements extraction tool, Sothink SWF Decompiler is specially designed to restore/convert the SWF format file to its FLA/FLEX source files. It enables you to browse, play, analyze Flash animation (.SWF or .EXE file), and even parse ActionScript code, so as to be clear at a glance of the whole structure of the Flash animation.

Besides, Sothink SWF Decompiler also allows to freely and easily export each SWF element in different formats, that includes ActionScript, sound, image, vector graphics, animation frame, font, text, button and animation clip.

// Key Features //

  • Export data of the flash file to rebuild FLA file.
  • Export sounds and videos of the flash file.
  • Export texts, shapes, buttons, images, fonts and frames of the flash file.
  • Export scripts and ActionScripts of the flash file.
  • Support editing the dynamic textsof current flash.
  • Support replacing the images of current flash.
  • Convert flash files between exe and swf formats.
  • Browse and preview any resource before exporting.
  • Show detailed properties of elements in Flash movies.

// Edition Statement //

AppNee provides the Sothink SWF Decompiler multilingual full isntallers and unlocked files, as well as portable full registered version for Windows 32-bit & 64-bit.

// Prompts //

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// Related Links //

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Version Download Size
v7.4 Build 5320 43.7 MB


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