[v5.0] Fences – Desktop shortcuts & icons automatic organizer

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Stardock‘s Fences can be regarded as one favorite of computer users with OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder). If you’re used to place many files or shortcuts on desktop, then Fences is absolutely a good helper should not be missed. It can reorganize your desktop icons in a perfect order, thus greatly improve your daily work efficiency.

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[v3.0.xx] Macro Recorder – Record mouse and keyboard actions for infinite replay

Macros can be seen as a script that consists of a sequence of instructions used to perform a specified task. There are many kinds of macros, among which keyboard and mouse macros are the most common, mainly include mouse movements, mouse clicks and keystrokes. To increase productivity and avoid repetitive tasks, using macros to automate computer operation is the most common and effective solution.

Continue reading [v3.0.xx] Macro Recorder – Record mouse and keyboard actions for infinite replay

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97 Things Every Programmer Should Know HD PDF

97 Things Every Programmer Should Know is co-written by 73 different authors working in the software industry. The content is some of their experiences summed up in their work. Based on their practical experience in various aspects of software engineering, they expressed their own opinions and put forward their own insights. These experiences cover many aspects such as user requirements, system analysis and design, coding practices, coding style, bug management and project management. Programmers from all fields can find content of interest to them, so this book is suitable for reading by programmers at different levels.

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