[v18.1, v23.1] Xojo – Rapid cross-platform application development tool

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Xojo is an unpopular but interesting integrated development environment for cross-platform applications. It can write native applications (that is, executable files in various formats that consist of instructions that can be executed directly by the CPU) with a graphical user interface for various operating systems and platforms (desktop, mobile, web and Raspberry Pi), as well as console applications, background service applications and web applications that do not have a graphical user interface.

Continue reading [v18.1, v23.1] Xojo – Rapid cross-platform application development tool

[v2.23] Resource Tuner – Powerful and active executable file modifier

Resource Tuner is a foolproof, visual Windows 32-bit & 64-bit executable files’ resource modification tool that is produced by the same company with PE Explorer (Heaventools Software from Canada). It is often used as an auxiliary tool for software localization and reverse engineering.

Continue reading [v2.23] Resource Tuner – Powerful and active executable file modifier

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[v9.xx, v9.15] ClickCharts – Tiny and handy diagram & flowchart drawer

NCH Software‘s tools are famous for compact file size and high efficiency. ClickCharts is a tiny and handy app that can help you easily make simple and intuitive flow charts (including the creation of various diagrams or mind maps), so as to clearly show your thinking, planning to others.

Continue reading [v9.xx, v9.15] ClickCharts – Tiny and handy diagram & flowchart drawer

Folder Merger – Merge different folders into a single while keeping folder structure

The level of difficulty in managing files is determined by the specific files involved and their intended destination. It is common to require multiple files from various locations on your computer to be consolidated into a single directory, which can be a time-consuming process of navigation and copying.

Continue reading Folder Merger – Merge different folders into a single while keeping folder structure