[v1.4x] YogaDNS – Very advanced DNS client for Windows

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YogaDNS claims to be the most advanced DNS client for Windows, developed by VentoByte from Spain. It comes with improved security, faster and more reliable network connections, and more control over DNS resolution. It is system-level integrated, i.e. DNS requests are automatically tracked at the system level, so that users do not need to manually change any existing DNS setting in multiple places.

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[v8.9] HelpNDoc – Modern help authoring tool

HelpNDoc is a professional, versatile and easy-to-use help document and ebook production tool developed by IBE Software from France. It is completely free for personal users, uses the Ribbon style of user interface, can easily create help files and e-books in all major formats (CHM, Web, PDF, Word, EPUB, Kindle Ebook, etc.).

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