[May] Bing Homepage HD wallpapers collection, no watermark

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This is a collection post of the HD wallpapers used by Bing search engine as its everyday homepage background in 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, …, without watermark. The wallpaper in every day is different, their content covers any beautiful thing from all over the world, no specific country, place or thing.

Continue reading [May] Bing Homepage HD wallpapers collection, no watermark

[v7.0, v4.0] Katana – Industry leading node graph based look development and lighting tool

Katana is a powerful tool used in the visual effects industry for lighting and look development on Windows, Mac and Linux platforms, developed by The Foundry Visionmongers from United Kingdom. It is designed to streamline the lighting and rendering process, allowing artists to efficiently create stunning visuals for films, television shows, and other forms of media.

Continue reading [v7.0, v4.0] Katana – Industry leading node graph based look development and lighting tool

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[v17.0, v16.3, v16.1] Navicat Premium – Award-winning universal database manager

Navicat Premium is an award-winning universal database managing tool that is enough to meet professional database developers’ all requirements. In particular, for newcomers to database servers, it is also quite easy to learn and use.

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[v8.25] ProShot – Maybe the most powerful and professional camera app for mobile phones

Smartphones are equipped with more and more powerful cameras. However, it makes no sense to have powerful sensors and lenses on a mobile phone but not have the appropriate software to make them work.

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TVBox – Most powerful and easy-to-use home TV box application

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[11 v6.0, 10 v6.3] Antidote – All the tools you need to improve your writing

Grammar is a matter that must be considered in writing. The traditional correction methods are all carried out manually, which are not only extremely inefficient, but also mistakes are always inevitable. In this case, we can use writing assistance software like Antidote to help us automate to greatly improve the writing efficiency and quality.

Continue reading [11 v6.0, 10 v6.3] Antidote – All the tools you need to improve your writing

[v1.2.8] MSActBackUp – Windows/Office activation info backup & restore tool

MSActBackUp is a tiny Windows/Office activation helper made by Ratiborus from Ru.Board, used to backup/restore the complete activation info of Microsoft Windows and Office. It does not require any version of Microsoft .NET Framework component to work, supports Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10, Server 2008 (2008 R2), 2012 (2012 R2), as well as Office 2010, 2013, 2016 and 2019.

Continue reading [v1.2.8] MSActBackUp – Windows/Office activation info backup & restore tool