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Head First Software Architecture HD PDF

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Software architecture can present challenges, even for experienced developers. It can be particularly daunting to navigate through dense textbooks and theoretical explanations. If this traditional learning method doesn’t suit you, acquiring the necessary skills and knowledge may feel like conquering a difficult and unforgiving task.

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PostgreSQL: Up and Running HD PDF

PostgreSQL is a free, open-source relational database management system, known as the most successful database in the world. It has a long history dating back to 1985, started as a research project at the University of California, Berkeley. It not only supports many advanced features, but its performance can even exceed that of most databases in many application scenarios, including commercial databases. In fact, PostgreSQL has been considered one of the most popular databases in the world, one of the most admired databases by developers, and one of the databases with the strongest user demand.

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PHP Cookbook HD PDF

PHP Cookbook can save you the valuable web development time. With these solutions regarding the actual problems at hand, from common problems from beginners to technical problems in advanced PHP web programming will be readily solved.

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