PHP Objects, Patterns, and Practice, 3rd & 4th Edition HD PDF download

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PHP Objects, Patterns, and Practice, 4th Edition is suitable for intermediate/senior PHP programmers to read, also with certain help for getting started with PHP, but not much, because it puts more emphasis on helping PHPers to expand ways of thinking. For people with some work experience in PHP it has very high reference value, which can help to grasp the essence of PHP’s object-oriented design and development, so as to ascend to be the high-end PHP programmer.

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Apple Shooter – Shoot the apple not your friend

Apple Shooter is a small sports style game, a little bloody. In game your goal is to shoot the apple placed on the head of your old friend using bows and arrows. But once missed, your friend will die very ugly. So, do your best to accurately shoot out arrows, for your good friend who gives his life to hold the apple overhead.
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GunBlood – Life and death duel between western sharpshooter

GunBlood – Western Shootout is a tense and exciting 1-on-1, face-to-face gunfight small game, which can challenge your response speed furthest. It’s developed by Wolf Games and published by OfficeGameSpot.

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Ghost in the Wires HD PDF, MOBI download

Kevin Mitnick is referred to as “The world’s first-rate hacker”, his legendary life and hacking experience have become topic that industry and major news media take delight in talking about. Of course the present Mitnick (gave up evil and returned to good) has become the world’s famous white hat hacker, he uses his own experience to guide the well-known enterprises and organizations to enhance their safety and protection measures.

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Head First Networking HD PDF

Maybe you ever found that too many computer network related books are full of boring text and web terms that let a reader feel tired and sleepy, which is the biggest obstacle for many beginners who want to learn the network technology. Then try the Head First Networking instead.

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