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uBlock Origin – By far the most effective ad blocking plugin for all browsers

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uBlock Origin (formerly called uBlock, uBO for short) is a plugin/addon/extension for blocking ads on web pages for all popular web browsers, developed by Raymond Hill from Canada in 2014, using JavaScript. It gives users a cleaner and faster web browsing experience, and is much more powerful than Adblock Plus, AdGuard, Ghostery, NoScript, Privacy Badger.

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[v4.0] capella audio2score – Automatically extract music scores from recordings

capella audio2score is a audio to score conversion tool, developed by capella-software from Germany. It analyzes and extracts music scores from your recording files. The recognized notes are examined, sorted and then sensibly poured into a new arrangement. This can be done for piano, quartet, etc.

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Template Studio – Accelerate the creation of new WinUI 3, WPF, and UWP apps

Template Studio (formerly called Windows Template Studio, successor to Windows App Studio) is a free, open-source official plug-in for Microsoft Visual Studio, developed by Microsoft. It is designed to help developers create UWP (Universal Windows Platform) applications more easily using a friendly wizard.

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[v1.10.2] QuickEdit – Fast, stable and full-featured code editor for Android

QuickEdit (full name: QuickEdit Text Editor) is a small, fast, stable and full-featured text/code universal editing application for Android platform. It has been optimized for use on both smartphones and tablets, can be used as a standard text editor for plain text files, or as a code editor for programming files, and is equally suitable for both advanced and ordinary users.

Continue reading [v1.10.2] QuickEdit – Fast, stable and full-featured code editor for Android

Obsidian – Perfect scientific research notes or knowledge management app

Note taking software is currently the best way to organize and manage personal knowledge, especially for modern people, electronic notes are essential (traditional paper notes are too inefficient and too limited). Although there are many note-taking applications today, such as the free OneNote and Joplin, or the expensive, arrogant Roam Research, the pursuit and desire for higher efficiency still exists.

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[v14.0] VisualRoute – Visual traceroute and reverse trace tool

VisualRoute is a network path node backtracking and analyzing tool for Windows, Mac and Linux platforms, which integrates Traceroute, Ping and Whois with a graphical interface. It is mainly used to more easily determine whether a network connection problem is caused by the ISP, the Internet, or the destination website/IP – visually showing the path of the connection on a world map.

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[23H2] Tiny10 – Tiny and fast version of Windows 10

In January, 2020, as Microsoft announced that Windows 7 would stop updating and maintaining services, Windows 10 has become the most popular operating system nowadays. However, the bloated volume of Windows 10 has been complained by many users all the time. Moreover, many of its built-in functions are completely unusable by ordinary users in daily life or work. So, someone made Tiny10, a stripped-down version of Windows 10.

Continue reading [23H2] Tiny10 – Tiny and fast version of Windows 10

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