Tag Archives: Chinese

[v3.10] Foxit Advanced PDF Editor – Only best senior PDF file creator and editor

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Foxit Advanced PDF Editor is the successor of Foxit PDF Editor, which is more powerful and practical, enables you to edit and create PDF format files with ease. It is one of the few PDF making software that can be perfectly compatible with Adobe Acrobat.

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Windows Environment Variables Editor – Best environment variable visual editor

System environment variables is a special object in Windows saving the specific configurations (like: Path variable) of system. If you need to modify the system variables once in a while, try this visual editor for Windows’ Environment VariablesWindows Environment Variables Editor (another good tool yet with bad name, AppNee likes to call it WEVE by Bohu for short).

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[v4.34] P2Pover – Best LAN bandwidth control & limit freeware

First of all, P2Pover (AKA: P2P终结者) is currently the only best and most powerful bandwidth control & limitation free application for LAN users. We’re sure it will become your favorite one (better than almost any other commercial ones).

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Tickeys – Give you a fabulous typing experience

Although not many people really touched a typewriter, we must be impressed by its unique “da da da” key pressing sound – i.e., when press any key, the typewriter will simultaneously make a crisp and sweet tapping sound, that feeling is really wonderful.

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[v1.30] MarkMan – Only best labelling/marking edge tool

MarkMan (马克鳗) is a handy, very fast, smart and efficient labeling/marking app from China. It’s a must-have design annotator for designers, reconstructors, front-end engineers on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.

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MusicSorter – Tiny and handy music cover & lyrics downloader

MP3 Tag has hung up for a long time, the remaining Creevity Mp3 Cover Downloader is sometimes not so effective. And after doing some search, AppNee found a new edge tool for automatic music cover downloading & updating – MusicSorter (even if it has been discontinued for long too).

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